Fee Schedule


Heads of Accounts Civilian
Pre-Primary I-V VI to VIII IX to X
Initial Charges(One Time)
Admission Fee 7,020 7,020 7,650 8,300
Caution Money(Refundable) 5,790 6,020 6,370 6,610
Total 12,810 13,040 14,020 14,910
Annual Charges
Annual Charges 1,330 1,330 1,330 1,870
Maintenance Charges 1,330 1,330 1,330 1,870
Examination Charges 640 640 640 900
Diary, ID & Report Card Charges 160 160 160 220
Magazine Charges 220 310
Lab Fees 770
Total 3,460 3,46 3,680 5,940
Monthly Fee
Tuition Fee 5,400 5,370 5,720 6,220
Art & Craft Activity Charges 130 130 130
C.C. Activity Charges 130 130 130 130
Library Charges 130 130 130
Medical Charges 130 130 130 130
SMS Charges 150 150 150 150
400 400 400 400
Computer Charges 130 130
Total 6,340 6,570 6,920 7,160